Modern Boudoir

Modern Boudoir Concept | Wallpaper & Fabric Design | Styling & Design | photography The Boudoir: a personal, feminine space, to be respectfully treated as a space for women to hide, to flourish, to develop, to experiment with femininity and grow. This my...

Cheerful Silk Scarves

Pretty silk scarves textile & print design Personal project: silk scarves with sexy prints. FAQ  |  privacy  |...

Boudoir Still Life

Boudoir still lives concept | styling | photography Personal project These still lifes combine own designs and objects found about my home. Playing with these objects I created little sexy stories, showing my penchant for the vintage and boudoir. I love vintage...

The Other Room

The Other Room concept | illustration Personal work: In the open and connected world of today you desperately need a sensual and private space of your own. A selection of personal work exploring feminine personal space. Illustrations and visualisations that express a...